What Are ELSS Mutual Funds Composed Of?
One of the main things you are probably wondering is what ELSS mutual funds is comprised of. Generally, these funds consist of equity and equity related products. This means that the overall value of these funds fluctuates based on the equity of the products that comprise of them. Some investors are not comfortable with this amount of risk. The higher the risk on the investments in your portfolio, the more money you can make and lose. If you are comfortable with a bit of risk, then ELSS mutual funds are a great option.
There is a Lock-In Period
The next thing you need to be aware of regarding ELSS mutual funds is that there is a lock-in period on these investments. Usually, this period will be anywhere from 3 to 6 years. If you are not comfortable with your money being tied up for this long, then ELSS mutual funds may not be your cup of tea. The longer you are able to leave your money in an investment, the higher the chance will become to potentially turn into a profit.
Are you in need of guidance with your investments? If so, call the team at Quantum Mutual Fund at 1800-209-3863 or visit their website for more information on how they can help you. Click here to invest online.